Conference Highlights
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VisiCare™ Improves Nurse & Patient Satisfaction HCAHPS Scores with Your Department Specific Protocols in Mind.
It was great to see everyone come together to connect and engage with colleagues and healthcare partners in person. The vibrancy of innovation was an amazing framework for this return to in-person healthcare events.
VisiCare™ Board Data Sheets
Choosing VisiCare™ means beautiful Nurse & Patient Boards for your facility’s quality communication experience to improve patient satisfaction. VisiCare™ Boards are easy to clean and maintain.
Board Styles & Accessories Quick Start Guide
Patient Board Insights
- Improve your communication with custom care modules
- Tips on building a better board
- Expand your whiteboard capabilities
VisiCare™ Products Catalog
Coordinated hospital communication boards bring standardization and consistency to your patient rooms. Improve pratient satisfaction with custom graphic inserts that show patients your best practices in clean and clear whiteboards. Learn more about our custom products.
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Send us photos of your patient room, door, cabinet, and glass walls. You’ll get a FREE consultation with a VisiCare™ Account Manager to find the right solution for you.
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Who is best for us to contact about your communication board project? Let us reach out on your behalf to get your new CUSTOM patient boards on the wall.
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Improving HCAPHS with Multilingual Double Sided Graphic Inserts.
Multilingual Patient Boards help reduce the patient fear of being a burden by providing a communication tool. Culturally competent care depends on resolving systemic and individual cultural differences that can create conflicts and misunderstandings. With the multilingual patient journey visually mapped out the caregiver is more able to elicit patient information and negotiate appropriate care. This reduces negative health consequences that may have otherwise occurred.
Partnering with families in care to address the management of language barriers is needed to improve health care quality and safety for LEP patients. Update your current graphic inserts to be double side multilingual.
- Flex room situations featuring various layouts dynamic to the patient needs
- Diverse multilingual patient communication to reduce patient error and optimize communication satisfaction scores
- Quick change layouts to optimize patient engagement and access patient needs through this interactive communication tool
Let Us Find The Right Solution for You Now.
Low-tech to High-tech Solutions
designed for each room, department, & facility
Hospital Communication Solutions
The effectiveness of whiteboards as a communication tool in healthcare is clear. VisiCare™ designs hospital whiteboard solutions grounded in evidence-based practice and prioritizing the patient in the patient room.
What Can VisiCare™ White Boards Do for Your Facility?
VisiCare™ Patient Communication Boards are the key to transforming your healthcare. They boost market share by improving loyalty, retention, and public image, while enhancing employee morale, promoting cost-effective care, and embodying your mission. Explore our comprehensive patient communication solutions, including:
- VisiCareClear™ Glass Boards for elegant, collaborative patient care.
- VisiCareClear™ Plexi Boards for modern design and clear communication.
- VisiCare™ White Boards for low-tech, adaptable solutions.
- VisiCareHD™ Digital Boards for real-time information delivery.
- VisiCare™ Decal Boards for flexible room enhancement.
- VisiCareClear™ Safety Boards for robust, one-piece security
Unite your workforce around a strong vision — Choose VisiCare to elevate patient satisfaction, streamline communication, and enhance safety with easy infection control solutions in your healthcare facility!