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nurse huddle unit room with digital huddle whiteboard

Nurse Accountability & Patient Safety Creating a Safe Environment with Huddle Boards

Sharing all relevant information with Nurse Huddle Boards

  • Ensure they’re bought in. Make sure the nurses understand the value of the hospital, and current hospital governance objectives. Foster agreement on the importance of team goals, and ideally that the objectives are the most important thing the team could be working on.
  • Visualization. Everyone should see how the team is operating. If nursing staff come up with a better way to execute, or different higher priority work, the team should move to that as quickly as it can, and the person should get credit and kudos marked on the board.
  • Underscore their value to the hospital. Make sure team members realize their work and their skills are valued with visual cues.
  • Underscore the job’s value to them. Make certain they understand why their work is valuable in the context of the team, the company, and the industry. Emphasize transferable and noteworthy skills and accomplishments.
  • Insulate the team from distractions. The communication boards enable the team to focus on getting things done instead of external requests. The board removes distractions and randomization.
  • Set expectations. Every job has scut work. Make sure team members understand the need, and buy into doing their share to participate in hospital affairs. Show them everyone else is doing their part to create nurse accountability.
Nurse & Staff, Safety
Product Communication Solutions:

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Recommendations for Low Tech or High Tech Environments

VisiCare White Boards are an ideal communication and infection control dry erase tool. Learn More →

VisiCareHD Digital Boards a private in hospital feed for real-time department information. Learn More →

custom white board in silver edge style and plexi board for huddle nurse unit

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